2025 Super Bud Bowl Final Standings
Champion - Sherri Hughson
2nd - Derek Magno
3rd - Ryan Reese
Cut to make finals - 827
Super Bud Bowl 2026
It is time to save the date for the 2026 Super Bud Bowl! The tournament will run March 7th-15th. With 24 lanes available at Lighthouse Lanes squads will fill fast. Last year’s event drew nearly 1200 entries so don’t wait, get your entry in early. Again this year we are only accepting FULLY PAID ENTRIES to get into any of our 16 qualifying squads.
We will accept credit card entries over the phone (10AM-9PM daily), mailed in entries, entries paid at Lighthouse Lanes or online entries starting February 11, 2026.
Saturday, March 7th begins Super Bud Bowl qualifying with Squad “A” and an optional bonus. Information and entry forms for all events can be found on our web site www.lhlanes.com, on our Facebook page or by calling Lighthouse Lanes at 315-342-2695. Local hotels are filling fast. Book your room early to ensure availability. We would again like to thank you for your continued support in making this one of the biggest and best bowling events in the Northeast.
Bud Light Shoot Out
March 7th & 8th
Bowlers entered on Super Bud Bowl Squads A,B, & C (Saturday, March 7th – Sunday, March 8th) can pay an additional $50 at check-in to use their handicap qualifying score to qualify for the Bud Light Shootout Finals.
The Bud Light Shootout Finals will be Sunday, March 8th at 3PM